Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tough Kid

I went to a kids race at Croton Point Park today. I had to swim 200 meters, bike 5 miles, and run another mile. By the end of that, i was completely out of energy! Even after the packet of hammer gel I swallowed and a cliff bar i ate. This really is for tough kids! They also had to write a number on my arm so they could know who I was.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Virginia and New York

Last week, I went down to Virginia to see my grandparents. We went down to the Montgomery state fair and we had a blast! There were a lot of rides there and even a climbing wall! Then my aunt, uncle and cousins came over for a visit. After we left, I went up to Staten Island to visit my aunt. We saw The Amazing Spider Man on the first night so I could enter an idea for a you tube video in a contest. The next day, we went to Coney Island where I went to an amusement park with some of the most terrifying rides! After that, I worked on fixing her TV for almost two hours! But we were able to do it. Then, we went home after being away for almost an entire week!    

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Camping trips

It's been only a week since I got back from camp and now I'm going on another camping trip!
As if two weeks wasn't already enough! Not only that, but I have to hike all the way up to the top of Mount Marcy! It's the tallest mountain in New York and It's a 15-mile hike to the top and back!     

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Temporarily Stranded

Last night, my family and I went down to the Hudson Bay with some friends for our annual Fourth of July Kayaking Trip to see the fireworks. When we went back, the tide was way too high and we couldn't go under the bridge. So we paddled down to a trail that I helped make, and left our boats there. Then we called a friend so he could drive us back home. This morning, we went back down to the trail (in our own car) and brought the boats we left all the way back home. It all took a while but we made it.   

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Swim meets in freezing water

I am actually starting to get used to waking up at 6:30 in the morning every day to swim in some freezing water! I've been doing it for about 2 weeks now and the water is starting to feel a little warmer. I'm surprised I haven't reacted to the chlorine yet. It might be because I usually dry myself off immediately after i get out of the water. Any way, my first swim meet is this weekend and I really need to work on my speed. I could be slowing down every day because I started wearing swim trunks instead of racing suits. Or I could just be a little slow.   

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Daylily day part 2

On day lily day, we also brought in my grandfather's own day lilies! There must have been at least 20 of them that he brought along! I saw him growing them in his own garden the day before!

 A lot of the other day lilies we saw were put into some tiny test tubes filled with water. I don't think that was a very good idea. They could die more easily that way! But that is just me.
There were lots of people bringing in new plants but I'm not sure that the one in this picture is entirely in the "day lily" type.
 After we left, I saw a bunch of coy fish in a fountain by the place. I was told once that coy fish could cost hundreds of dollars a piece! How could they get more than four that easily?!


Daylily day

Today was my last full day for visiting my grandfather. So we went down to a day lily party with his friends. They laid out all different kinds of day lilies! Pink, yellow, orange, red, purple, etc.!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Working The Garden

I worked today in my grandfather's garden. We crossed flowers to see what we would get. The picture above shows the flower parts we used.
We took pollen from one plant and put it on another.
We did this with lots of flowers.
We also labeled each plant and wrote down what we did in a field notebook.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

School is over

I have only been out of the seventh grade for nearly a week and I have already done so much.
I have been taking swimming lessons all week, had a really huge summer block party, went to Play Land, spent the night at my friend Chuck's house, and visited my grandpa until next weekend!
Do you think it is possible to do that all in a week?

This is My First Post

Hi. I am a Boy Scout and I was asked to do this Blog for my Communications Merit Badge. My grandfather helped me with this but it will be up to me to keep this going.